Posidonia 2016: DNV GL and Prisma Electronics cooperate to advance fleet performance management
DNV GL and Prisma Electronics have signed a partnership agreement on fleet performance management. Prisma’s LAROS system is a holistic wireless onboard data collection platform for vessel performance management. DNV GL’s ECO Insight portal will provide advanced fleet performance analytics based on LAROS onboard data.
“The partnership will enable customers to manage their entire fleet based on unified and reliable information from any vessel’s system through the collection of data from all equipment of interest, normalizing the data into meaningful KPIs for analytics, and the aggregation of homogenized data from multiple vessels into DNV GL’s ECO Insight portal. The combined solution promises a new era in fleet performance management,” says Christos Giordamlis, Managing Director of Prisma Electronics.
“By working with such a reliable remote condition monitoring supplier as Prisma Electronics, we can provide shipping companies with a complete overview of their fleet. Often only some vessels have autologging equipment onboard. Our cooperation ensures there are no blind spots in our customer’s fleet performance management,” says Ioannis Chiotopoulos, Regional Manager South-East Europe & Middle East at DNV GL Maritime. “The data provided by Prisma also enables us to generate additional performance insights such as information about hull and engine degradation, benchmarks and market averages,” he adds.
DNV GL and Prisma Electronics have been working together on customer projects over the last six months and proved that the partnership works technically and operationally.
Prisma’s LAROS platform is an innovative patented platform that enables remote monitoring and analysis of vessels’ operational parameters. LAROS is able to wirelessly collect, filter and normalize the varied data from any systems in a vessel, and present unified reliable data to existing applications on board and onshore. Customized KPIs help to increase vessel efficiency, enable performance-based maintenance and accurate forecasting.
DNV GL’s performance management portal ECO Insight provides a comprehensive and easily accessible way to manage the performance of a fleet, including voyage, hull & propeller and engine & systems performance. It enriches the customers’ own fleet reports with industry data, such as Automatic Identification System (AIS), weather, or fuel, and provides unique benchmarking capabilities. Advanced engineering methods, for example hull fouling prediction based on CFD, are also packaged into the portal. Since its launch beginning of 2015 ECO Insight has become the largest performance solution in shipping. DNV GL and Prisma Electronics will work together for an outcome that will change today’s operations in a greener and more efficient way that also complies with existing and forthcoming obligations like MRV and EEDI.