World Accreditation Day 2017

Accreditation: Delivering Confidence in Construction and the Built Environment

Each year on June 9th, the IAF (International Accreditation Forum), in collaboration with ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) celebrate the World Accreditation Day a global initiative to promote the value of accreditation. 

The theme of the 2017 will focus on how accreditation delivers confidence in construction and the built environment, supporting professionals in the construction industry, ranging from contractors, manufacturers, designers, architects, civil engineers, to regulators. 

"The construction sector is complex and highly competitive, and provides challenges for companies seeking to improve margins, and reduce costs whilst improving build quality and ensuring a safe environment on site. Accreditation supports the construction sector to control risk, help drive efficiency, demonstrate regulatory compliance, and provide supply chain confidence.” – IAF&ILAC Accreditation Day Brochure. 

Accreditation determines the technical competence, integrity and impartiality of organisations providing conformity assessment services such as testing, calibration, certification, and inspection based on international standards.

DNV GL is a world-leading certification body, operating in more than 100 countries. Through Accredited certification of Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety, and Energy Management Systems we ensure that construction companies have the appropriate controls and processes in place to deliver projects efficiently, control their environmental impact and energy efficiency, and deliver a safe working environment.

More informations


The Organizing Bodies

IAF - International Accreditation Forum


The Organizing Bodies

ILAC - International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation


Joint Press Release

By Xiao Jianhua, Chair IAF, and Merih Malmqvist Nilsson, Chair ILAC


Download the Brochure

Discover how accredited testing, inspection, and certification are being used to provide assurances that construction projects and sites are safe and reliable.


Video: World Accreditation Day 2017

A short video by the European Accreditation Board